Sundays at 9:00 and 10:45 a.m.

A Heart to Serve

This past summer, a team of 15 from Stones Crossing Church traveled to Medfield, Massachusetts to serve alongside First Baptist Church. The church dates back to 1776, the year our country became independent of Great Britain, and was in need of some TLC and construction updates.
So, the team traveled east and got to work. They tore down walls, ripped up floors, cleaned out rooms, and painted. They created a new women's bathroom at the church and remodeled a bathroom at the pastor's parsonage. The crew also did landscaping on the church grounds.
Jennifer Wilson, a children’s book author and member of Stones, went on the trip with her daughter Sadie, age 15. Jennifer is telling her story as to what God did in her life as a result of serving.
Stones: How long have you all attended Stones and where have you served?

Jennifer Wilson (JW): I have attended Stones for four years. I’ve served in Transit (middle school ministry) and currently serve in the kids’ ministry in the 4-year-old class.

Stones: Why did you go on this trip?

JW: I’ve not been on a mission trip since college but have wanted to serve again in missions since then. When I heard about the Boston trip and how they would be serving a church established in 1776, I just thought, “Wow, what an opportunity to serve in an area where our country began for religious freedom.”
Learning that the area had lost so many Christians and Christ-centered churches broke my heart, especially because I’m related to Governor William Bradford who came over on the Mayflower for religious freedom. As I prayed about going on the trip and talked with my family, my excitement to go grew as well as my heart for the people there. When my daughter told me she wanted to join me, I was thrilled. What a blessing to serve together.

Stones: What did you do while on the mission trip?

JW: Together, Sadie and I sanded, made small drywall repairs, painted, caulked, cleaned, and fellowshipped with members of the church. In my free time, I ran through the neighborhood and prayed for each household.

Stones: How has this experience changed you in regards to how you view missions? How you view the local church?

JW: This experience opened my eyes to the scary truth that an entire community in the U.S. could stray away from Christ and the gospel message. However, I also saw how God saved this church for the community. How he brought a new pastor and people to the church. He will always save a remnant of his people like we see in the Bible.

Stones: What would you say to encourage others to get involved in serving, whether in the U.S. or overseas?

JW: Definitely pray when you hear of opportunities to serve God here, in another state, or overseas. We are called to be a light wherever we are, but sometimes God calls us out of our comfort zones to reach others, to share the gospel, to share how He has worked in our lives. When you go serve, not only are you helping others (even Jesus in disguise) but God will also grow you closer to Him and in new exciting ways in your life. He has taken me out of my comfort zone in so many ways and I’m so grateful for all the ways He’s grown me as a result. Also, I loved getting to know more church members better during this trip and serving alongside them. I loved being encouraged by the older women, doing life together, and seeing how God used us in different ways.

Stones: Where have you served before in the area of missions?  

JW: My first mission trip was with my now husband, John, when we were in college. Our senior year we served in an orphanage in Oaxaca, Mexico. That was an amazing trip! You see God at work so much more when you leave your comfort zone.

Stones: How have you grown spiritually as a result of this trip?

JW: This sounds silly, especially because I’m a triathlete, but I was a bit nervous to go on a trip like this because I’ve had back problems that can act up to where I can’t move, knee pain, and a foot injury that randomly causes me to not be able to walk. These all could have been excuses not to go. The last thing I wanted was to be a burden. I really wanted to serve and help with repairs at the church. I believed God wanted me to go, so I trusted that He would work out the details and just take it one day at a time.

I was very exhausted by the end of the trip! However, God gave me all the strength and energy I needed to serve while I was there. He also surprised me by getting to work in the children’s area—where I’ve been called to serve Him since college. I did more than I thought I could. Seeing the pastor’s wife so excited for the whole children’s area to be completed was the best blessing. God just really blew me away that week when I trusted Him.

Stones: Anything else you’d like to add?

JW: Serving alongside my daughter was an extra special blessing. I had a front row seat to see her play with the kids and love on them, learn new skills, and be encouraged and taught by the older women. It felt like a Titus 2 week for sure! The best part though, was seeing Sadie develop a love for missions. She wants to go overseas now and serve as well.

If you’re interested in “going beyond” and serving in a local context, our next Stones Serve Day is Saturday, September 28. This is a wonderful opportunity for families and small groups to serve in the community together, showing the love of Christ to those with whom you interact. If you’re interested in registering, click here.
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