Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We believe the gospel must be present in everything we do, so we strive to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of the people we serve through our mission efforts locally and globally. We want to be a church known for ushering in God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. We believe the church is called by God to spread the gospel throughout the world, and we see the individual call for the followers of Christ to take part in this all over Scripture. In Matthew, Jesus commands us to go and make disciples of all the nations. In Romans, Paul reminds the church of this same command: “How then will they call on him in whom they have not heard?” Our prayer is that everyone at Stones Crossing would live on mission in light of who God is and what He has done for them.
Partner with our El Salvador missions team by joining El Salvador prayer team. While the team is in El Salvador, the prayer team will receive daily updates and requests from the team.
Interested in serving on our New England mission trip this July? Registration begins on January 12.
El Salvador Amazon Wish List
Our team that will return to El Salvador in January to meet medical needs and engage in children's ministry would love your help! You're invited to partner with the team by helping provide medical supplies. Just click on this Amazon Wish List to select what you'd like to donate, and the items will be mailed directly to the church.
Thank you for assisting this team as they GO BEYOND with the love of Christ!
Thank you for assisting this team as they GO BEYOND with the love of Christ!
Missions partners
Steve and Rebecca*
Steve and Rebecca are called to full-time gospel ministry in a country in North Africa. They live and work in a capital city with a population of over two million in a region dominated by Islam. The area is inhospitable to the gospel. They are learning the heart language (Arabic) and envision the day when many will call Christ their Lord and Savior. (*Full name withheld for security purposes.)
Emily Nussbaum
Emily is the campus director for Cru in the Indianapolis area. She is in charge of overseeing the Cru campus ministry at Butler University, IUPUI, University of Indianapolis, Ivy Tech-Indianapolis, and Wabash College where she helps direct and empower local staff and connects with students across those universities.
Jim and Teresa White
Jim and Teresa are the co-directors of Sharing the Vision. They have been serving in full-time missions on the island of Hispaniola for 24 years. The past 15 years, they have been serving in the Dominican Republic.
Leo Arriaga
Leo Arriaga is a Salvadorian national who partners with several organizations providing education in public schools dealing with drug prevention, sexuality, and violence. These partnerships provide him a platform to share the gospel in public schools. Leo also serves among the poor communities of El Salvador to meet both physical and spiritual needs.
Jon and Kelly Simpson
After serving in El Salvador for 16 years, John and Kelly Simpson moved to Birmingham, Alabama, to serve at the World Reach headquarters. Their role was to serve as a liaison between the home office and the Hispanic, Spanish-speaking missionaries serving with World Reach all over the world. Over the past 10 years, their ministry has become more effective both with the Spanish-speaking missionaries on the field, as well as providing translation in the office. Their central vision is to offer ministry support, missionary care, and friendship to Spanish-speaking co-workers around the world and to help with communication between the office and the field. The Spanish language and Latin American cultural experience acquired while serving on the field has proven to be quite valuable as they serve in Birmingham.
Cultivate NYC
Cultivate NYC is a church plant in West Harlem, New York City. Harlem is known for rich culture, world-class art, and is located just north of Central Park in Manhattan. Cultivate NYC exists to lead every generation to know and follow Jesus. "We accomplish this task through a deep commitment of engaging our community with the gospel and making disciples of those we engage. We follow Jesus, love our neighbors, and do life together all for his glory!"
Katie O'Malley
Katie serves on the communications team at OneWay Ministries, based in the Chicago area. OneWay’s heart is to exalt Christ and to see as many people reached with the gospel of Jesus as possible, through any means possible. They work toward that by partnering in missions and by creating prayer and news resources to help believers around the world in fulfilling the Great Commission. Through writing and administration, Katie helps spread stories of the ministry’s impact so that OneWay’s partners know how they can pray, give and be encouraged by what God is doing.
David Joseph
David is a graduate of Cedarville College and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and has pastored churches in Dayton/Cincinnati, Ohio, and Indianapolis, Indiana. After being a missionary in Alaska for three summers, he felt a call from the Lord to develop native leaders and minister to teens. He fulfills his calling by serving as pastor at Fairbanks Native Bible Church in Fairbanks, Alaska.
Grant and Holly Lemmons
Grant and Holly live in Columbus, Ohio, and serve with Cru at Ohio State University (OSU). Home to more than 61,000 college students, OSU has the third largest student body in the U.S. Grant and Holly are trusting God to win students to Christ, build them up in their faith, and send them out after graduation on mission for Jesus. They have three sons: Zeke, Luke, and Judah.
Francisco and Martita Berrios
God called Francisco and Martita Berrios from their native El Salvador to Romania in 2001. Francisco and Martita are engaged in biblical counseling, evangelism, and small group development. The couple wrote a book to help churches in establishing a biblical counseling ministry. Francisco, who was appointed in 2015 as a pastor director for Eastern Europe with World Reach Inc., is also coordinating the discipleship and administration ministry at Hope Baptist Church in Brasov.
New England Training and Sending Center for Church Planting and Revitalizations (NETS)
Since 2000, the New England Training and Sending Center for Church Planting and Revitalizations (NETS) has planted and revitalized churches throughout New England, launched a training center in Cameroon, developed partnerships in the UAE and Quebec, and purchased a campus. Today, thousands hear the gospel in NETS network churches, with hundreds of transformed lives testifying to that gospel's power.
The NETS mission has never wavered. NETS trains and sends men to plant and establish churches in New England and beyond through gospel proclamation—for the life of the church. Learn more about NETS.
The NETS mission has never wavered. NETS trains and sends men to plant and establish churches in New England and beyond through gospel proclamation—for the life of the church. Learn more about NETS.