Sundays at 9:00 and 10:45 a.m.

Do you need prayer?

We would love to pray for you. Please submit your prayer request below and a staff member will follow up.

Opportunities to Pray This Lent Season

24-Hour Prayer

We're hosting a day of 24 hours of prayer this Easter season, and we want you to pray with us! Pray with us on April 18 and April 19 as we pray for God to transform hearts and bring the lost into a saving relationship with Jesus. Would you join us in prayer? The commitment is only 30 minutes. 

Neighborhood Prayer Walk

We will pray in our neighborhoods on Sunday, April 13, asking God to move in the hearts of our neighbors. This is also a wonderful opportunity to invite neighbors to our Easter services. Even if you don't have a neighborhood to walk in, sign up, and we will place you in one where you can walk and pray. 

Holy Week Prayer Guide

We are praying that God will move in the hearts of the non-believers who attend our Easter services this year, as well as praying that the Holy Spirit will move in the hearts of Christians who attend. We will have a prayer guide available for you to pray alongside us as Holy Week approaches. 

Prayer Gathering

We hope to see you at our next church-wide prayer gathering on Sunday, April 27. Our time together will begin at 6:30 p.m. and will include a time of worship and prayer. There will be a specific time of prayer for those seeking physical and spiritual healing.