Sundays at 9:00 and 10:45 a.m.

On My Shelf with Pastor Scott Luck

In this new series, we ask staff and lay leaders about recommended resources. Our hope is one or two might relate to something you want to learn more about.

Here are some book recommendations from Pastor Scott Luck.

What is the theology book you’ve enjoyed the most in recent years? Simply Trinity by Matthew Barrett

What discipleship or Christian growth book have you found the most helpful? One With God by Pierce Taylor Hibbs

What’s a recommendation for a book on trials or suffering? Trusting God by Jerry Bridges or Finding Hope in Hard Things by Pierce Taylor Hibbs

What’s a recommended book on fighting sin and temptation? Die Hard Sins by Rush Witt

What’s your favorite commentary series when sermon prepping? The Bible Speaks Today Commentary Set, John Stott, editor

Is there a book on the local church you would recommend? The Gospel Driven Church by Jared Wilson

What’s one Christian book you’re reading right now and enjoying? Live Your Truth and Other Lies by Alisa Childers

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