Sundays at 9:00 and 10:45 a.m.

Genesis 12-50 Bible Study Guide

While Genesis 1-11 teaches about God our Creator and mankind's beginning, fall, and exile, Genesis 12-50 teaches us about how God continues His plan to make Himself known through a treasured people. God chooses Abraham and Sarah to form a new family that becomes a means of blessing to the nations. His people learn to live by faith in the "gap" between God's promises being made and God's promises being kept, when circumstances push us to question God or doubt His faithfulness. But, as we see in Genesis and through the lives of key figures like Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, God IS faithful to all His promises and IS powerful and wise in working all things to accomplish His plans for His people.

You can download the study guide below.
Below are some of the recommended resources from our teachers as you study Genesis 1-11.
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